Mr. Troxler is the President of Focus Environmental, Inc., based in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is a registered professional environmental engineer and has over 40 years of experience in the environmental services industry. He is primarily responsible for the management of large, complex projects that use thermal treatment systems to treat hazardous or non-hazardous waste materials or contaminated soils. These projects have primarily been conducted for clients in the waste management, organic chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, aerospace, tire & rubber, aluminum, utility, and site remediation industries. Mr. Troxler’s expertise includes virtually all aspects of design and implementation of thermal treatment projects. This experience includes conducting waste characterization studies, preparing feasibility studies and process design packages, preparing regulatory submittals, evaluating proposals from equipment vendors, developing capital and operating cost estimates, providing oversight of plant detailed design and fabrication, training plant operators, providing oversight of plant operations, planning and managing performance tests, and conducting hazards and operability studies.
Mr. Busmann, Vice President and Manager of Process Engineering, is a registered professional chemical engineer with over 35 years of experience providing services for design, compliance demonstration, supply, operation, and demonstration of combustion and gas cleaning equipment and technologies. His experience includes process design for thermal treatment facilities for hazardous waste and the associated unit operations, preparation of operating manuals, preparation of designs and documents for systems to achieve compliance with Clean Air Act (CAA) Hazardous Waste Combustor (HWC) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT), Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) Boiler MACT, and preparation of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit applications, addressing the treatment of dioxins / furans, mercury, metals, particulate, NOx, SOx, and acid gases. His experience also includes the procurement of waste treatment systems, evaluation and performance demonstration of cryogenic condensation, and the operation of a prototype mobile incinerator. Tom has presented training on a variety of topics including HWC operations, computer validation, and risk management tools. He is experienced with process safety analyses and risk analysis tools such as HAZOP, FMEA and FTA.
Mr. Sadler is a principal of Focus Environmental working in the process design and remediation engineering markets. Paul has a Masters degree in Chemical Engineer with over 30 years of experience in the environmental field. His experience is primarily in the areas of incineration, thermal desorption, air pollution control, and wastewater treatment. He is well versed in process modeling, process evaluations, performance test planning/reporting, development of process flow sheets and process design criteria, development of startup plans, and operator training. Paul also has experience evaluating energy consumption, process viability, emission reduction and ventilation design. He has served as the client’s representative to provide independent engineering oversight of remediation activities at numerous federal and state Superfund sites that have used a thermal treatment technology. Remedial design services have included site investigations, treatability testing, preparing remedial design plans, specifications, and drawings; negotiating regulatory requirements with government agencies, coordination of contractor selection, and participating in community relations programs.
Mr. Mark H. Walker, Vice President and Consultant, heads up Focus’ FDA regulatory compliance and validation division. He has more than 25 years experience in providing project management, consulting, regulatory compliance, IT and business development services. Specific areas of expertise for Mr. Walker include FDA regulatory compliance, computer systems validation, process validation, cleaning validation, auditing, quality system development, quality system training, risk management, document management (electronic records), database system design and implementation, security, and disaster recovery systems.
Mr. Chris E. McBride is a Principal of Focus Environmental, Inc. and has more than 30 years of experience in hazardous, toxic, explosive, and pathological waste operations, management, and permitting. Experience is concentrated in the areas of hazardous waste incineration operations and material handling; incineration and gas cleaning system process design; Hazardous Waste Combustor Maximum Achievable Control Technology (HWC MACT), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) permitting of incineration and thermal treatment systems, trial burn and performance testing of incineration and thermal treatment systems, and performance evaluation and optimization of thermal treatment and gas cleaning system processes. Chris previously served as one of two on-site personnel representing the Program Manager for Chemical Demilitarization (PMCD) at the BZ Demilitarization Facility located at Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR.
Mr. Tony Babb is a senior consultant with Focus Environmental leading the air compliance services. Tony has served as a consulting engineer in the field of air quality services for 40 years. He’s experienced in all aspects of the air quality business including air pollution control system design; combustion engineering; continuous emissions, ambient air, and indoor air monitoring; source testing; permitting and dispersion modeling. From Tony, “At times I have worked to live. At other times I have lived to work. Now I primarily work because I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience to the benefit of my clients. Life is good and work is fun.”